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U.S. Medical Study تحصیلات در رشته پزشکی درآمریکا |
بررسی برنامه های تحصیلی در رشته پزشکی و شرایط درخواست پذیرش. د Students interested in U.S. medical study most commonly complete their medical education in their home country and then apply for a medical residency in the United States. Few international students are admitted at the earlier first professional degree level (leading to the M.D.), and those few generally also have a U.S. undergraduate degree. If you are determined to pursue medical school at the first professional level, you should consider first earning a U.S. bachelor's degree. You can major in any subject and still enter medical school but be sure to take courses that medical schools require such as chemistry, physics, calculus, and biology. Note that public medical schools usually enroll students from their state or region so be prepared to apply to private medical schools. Keep in mind that there are significant costs for each of the four years of M.D. studies. For 2007-2008 tuition annually averaged approximately $ 40,000, for a total of $ 160,000 for all four years. No scholarships are generally available for M.D. studies. If you want to pursue a residency instead of an M.D., you will have better chances of admission and receive a stipend rather than paying tuition. The challenge at this level is completing the rather complex ECFMG certification and residency application process.